NLSIU with the support of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India established the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) Chair on International Trade Laws in 1998. This Chair is dedicated to promoting teaching and research in international trade law, WTO law, international economic laws, trade negotiation skills, international arbitration and other related subjects.
Mission & Objectives
The Chair aims to systematically impart knowledge and skills on all areas of international trade and related laws through diverse activities including –
- Teaching: Offering courses, core and elective for students.
- Research: Conducting cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research on fundamental and emerging areas of international trade and economic laws.
- Capacity Building and Knowledge Dissemination: Undertaking capacity-building training initiative with the PACE department. Engaging in diverse knowledge dissemination activities to raise awareness and deeper understanding of international economic law, particularly trade law, among different stakeholders.
Key Activities
- Teaching: International trade law is taught as a core course to the BA.LL.B (Hons.) and LL.B.(Hons.) programmes. Teaching activities also include several international trade and economic law-related electives offered by faculty and visiting faculty.
- Research Initiatives: The Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed law journal published annually under the patronage of the MOC Chair. It has the ISSN: 0975-3214 and is indexed in SCC Online, HeinOnline and Manupatra.
- Internships: The Chair invites internships for students wherein students are given an opportunity to work as part of the activities of the Chair.
- Workshops and Conferences: The Chair organises public lectures, workshops, and conferences to facilitate interactions and collaboration among academics, practitioners, and other stakeholders,
Past Events
- One Day Conference on ‘Multilateral Trading System or Regional Trade Agreements: The way forward for India’
The Ministry of Commerce (Government of India) Chair on International Trade Laws, NLSIU Bangalore and the Council for International Relations and International Law jointly organised this one-day conference on December 22, 2018 at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. The speakers included academics such as Prof. (Dr.) A. Jayagovind and Dr V. G. Hegde, and experienced practitioners Ms. Anuradha RV (Partner, Clarus Law) and Mr. Sanjay Notani (Partner, Economic Laws Practice). - Discussion on Legal challenges to New Business Frontiers in E-Commerce and Trade
The Ministry of Commerce (Government of India) Chair on International Trade Laws, NLSIU Bangalore organised this round-table discussion, which was co-hosted by NLSIU in partnership with Vesauils College, Brussels on May 7, 2019. The speakers included many domain experts such as Mr. Alexander Egberts, Dr. Arpita Mukherjee, and Divij Joshi.
Chair Professor: Dr. Akhila Gangadhar Basalalli
Affiliated Faculty: Ms. Ronjini Ray