Anjali Karol Mohan
Visiting Faculty
Academic Programmes
Master's Programme in Public Policy
Jul 2022
- Ph.D. in Urban Governance and Management: International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIITB)
- Postgraduate Diploma (with commendation) in Urban Management and Planning: Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1997)
- Masters in Regional Planning (Gold Medalist): School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, 1993
Masters in Geography: Punjab University, Chandigarh, 1991 - Bachelors in Geography (Honours): Himachal University, 1989
Dr. Mohan is a partner at Integrated Design ( Her professional experience over the last twenty-eight years straddles development, institutional and policy frameworks, urban planning and management and information and communication technologies and development (ICTD). She has successfully completed several planning assignments in her individual capacity and as part of multi-disciplinary teams, both as a team leader and a team member. Dr. Mohan has also designed and delivered several training and capacity building programmes, both for state and non-state actors, primarily focusing on planning, heritage-led planning and attendant (e)Governance arrangements. Dr. Mohan’s doctoral dissertation is converted into training and capacity building modules as part of the capacity building initiative under the National e-Governance Plan. She is a faculty at the Centre for Public Policy at the National Law School University of India, Bangalore and the Takshashila Institutions. She is the lead research and institutional expert with Anode Governance Lab. Dr. Mohan has published in academic journals as well as popular media, in addition to delivering talks and presenting her work globally. She is a member of the Copenhagen-based International Federation for Housing and Planning and has served on several task forces and expert committees. Most recently, she was a member of the Expert Panel to the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh advising on a state wide Comprehensive Urban Development Strategy. She is a partner at Integrated Design where she leads urban planning projects as well as initiatives at the intersection of planning, participation, development and environment. Dr. Mohan is involved extensively in action research in Bhopal, Ranchi, Dharwad, Delhi and Bangalore to evolve city-region, city and neighbourhood scale climate change responsive planning frameworks that focus on resilient and liveable cities. These projects are funded by the Adaptation Research Alliance, Nudge Research Innovation Grant, Selco Foundation and ELRHA, UK amongst others.
Mohan, A. K., Pellissery, S., & Aristizábal, J. G. (Eds.). (2021). Theorising Urban Development From the Global South. Springer International Publishing.
1. Mohan, A.K., Varghese, S (2022) Addressing Water Resilience in Informal Settlements: Rational versus Collaborative Planning Models: Conditional Acceptance in Planning Theory
2. Mohan, A. K., & Muraleedharan, G. (2022) Community Commons as Socially Just and Adaptive Spaces. WeADAPT.
3. Mohan, A.K. (2022) Planning Cities through Collating, Constructing and Communicating Stories: in the My Liveable City (
4. Mohan, A. K., Rao, M. S., & Paul, R. (2021). Cities, eco-systems and embedded expressions: Towards performative regeneration. The Urban Transcripts Journal, 4. Retrieved from
5. OCCASIONAL, P., & APER, S. INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY (IPP): Plurality of Voices: Emerging Pathways Towards Planning Southern Cities.
6. Mohan, A.K. (2020) Functioning, equitable and just cities: Leveraging the pandemic as a positive
7. Mohan, A.K. (2019) Planning for City-Region: Emerging Geographies, Missing Hierarchies. In Regional Planning for Sustainable Land-Use in India (pp 122-132). Global Policy
8. Prakash, A., Mohan, A. K., & Chaudhuri, B. (2019). What Do Citizens Value in E- governance?. Economic & Political Weekly, 54 (10), 41
9. Mohan, A. K. (2017). From Hierarchy to Heterarchy: Moving Beyond Entrepreneurial Governance. Municipal Reforms Programme in Karnataka. In Entrepreneurial Urbanism in India (pp. 73-89). Springer Singapore.
10. Mohan, A. K., & Parthasarathy, B. (2016). From hierarchy to heterarchy: The state and the Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India. Government Information Quarterly.
11. Mohan, A. K., Cutrell, E., & Parthasarathy, B. (2013, December). Instituting credibility, accountability and transparency in local service delivery?: helpline and Aasthi in Karnataka, India. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development: Full Papers-Volume 1 (pp. 238-247). ACM.
12. Mohan, A. K., & Mercier, B. (2012). Effective Decentralisation—Going beyond Reconciled Planning Scales and Capacities: The Need to Recognise Specific Socio-political Drivers. Space and Polity, 16(1), 73-91.
13. Parthasarathy B. and Mohan, A.K. (2013) Approaches to Regional Policies in India Regions. 289 (1), pp 16-18
14. Mohan, A.K. and Parthasarathy B. (2013).The Municipal Reforms Programme in Karnataka and ‘Design-Reality Gaps’ available on
1. Mohan, A. K. Municipal Reforms Programme Government of Karnataka.
2. Mohan, A. K., & Parthasarathy, B. Property Taxation and Information Systems (PTIS)–The Aasthi.
3. Mohan, A. K. Public Grievance and Redressal Module–Helpline in Karnataka.
1. Mohan A.K., Ravindran KT. A capital Functioning From Different Regions: The Hindu, 2nd December, 2021
2. Mohan A.K. (2020) Does Bengaluru need Exclusive Legislation: Deccan Herald, 2nd October, 2020
3. Mohan A.K. (2020) Bangalore Needs Elite + Mass Activism to be Effective. Read more at
4. Mohan A.K. (2020). A clash of plans for Bengaluru. Read more at:
5. Mohan A.K. (2019). Bengaluru, sans a city plan. Read more at:
6. Mohan A.K. (2019). Why Bengaluru’s draft transit policy is unlikely to make the city more liveable Citizen Matters. Available on
7. Mohan A.K (2018) Planning for Socio-Economic development in Bengaluru: From a land-use plan to a city plan. Citizen Matters. Read more at
INVITED TALKS (selected)
1. Medellin, Colombia, 2019: Invited Speaker: From Economical to Ecological Value of Land: addressing relations of nature and urbanity in planning
2. Singapore, 2018: Invited Speaker : From Shelter to Habitats: Addressing the Challenge through Master Plans
3. Delhi, India, 2018: Invited Speaker: Informality and Planning
4. Delhi, India, February, 2016: Invited speaker: Transit Oriented Development and Inclusive Cities.
5. Mumbai, India, January, 2016: Invited Panellist: Intersecting networks of the old and new: Financialisation and Technology in the urban.
6. Berlin, Germany, November, 2015: Invited speaker at the Berlin Housing Lab a global research laboratory that focuses on global housing crisis and possible counter actions at the city level.
7. Bhubaneshwar, India, July, 2015: Training sessions on e-governance for municipal commissioners of small towns in Odisha, organised by Department of Housing and Urban Development, Odisha.
8. Bangalore, India, January 2015: Centralized-Decentralization: Divergent Trajectories and Contradictory Outcomes- The Case of the Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India. Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Bangalore.,
9. Mumbai, India, December 2014: E-governance: Successes and Failures- Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
10. Bangalore, India, October 2014: From Hierarchy to Heterarchy in the Information Age: The State and the Municipal Reforms Programme in Karnataka, India, Public lecture at the Indian Institute of Human Settlements, Bangalore, India.
11. Bangalore, India, September 2014: Network Forms of Governance and Technology Mediation: Can the State Ensure Inclusive Development? The case of the Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India. Network Inclusion Round Table, ITFC and IDRC, Bangalore.
12. Cape Town, Africa, December 2013: Instituting credibility, accountability and transparency in local service delivery? Helpline and Aasthi in Karnataka, India. Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development at Cape Town
13. Los Angeles, USA, April 2013: Hampi World Heritage Site: Structuring Sustainability – Using the Governance Lens. Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA.
14. Singapore, March 2011: Effective Decentralization – Going beyond Reconciled Planning Scales and Capacities- The Need to Recognize Specific Socio-Political Drivers. Paper presented at the Conference on Decentralization and Urban Transformation in Asia organised by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, in collaboration with The Asia Foundation
15. Nairobi, Kenya, October 2010: Outsourcing Governance? Revising the Master Plan of Bangalore in the 46th ISOCARP Congress, Nairobi Kenya.
16. Rome, Italy, November 2007: Critiquing the Master Plan for Bangalore – 2015 at the Expert Group Meeting organised by the UN Habitat on Urban Planning Best Practices on Creating Harmonious Cities. Rome
17. Paris, France, April 2006: Challenges of Urban Planning in India presented in an international workshop on “Appropriate Architecture and Sustainable Habitats” EU, Paris
18. Leuven, Belgium, May 2006: Challenges of Urban Planning In India with focus on Participatory Planning processes presented to the Masters of Planning Students at the KU – Leuven, Belgium
19. Bangalore, India, May 1996: Local Agenda 21 and UNCED: Habitat – II Implications for India, paper presented at a national workshop conducted by CIVIC – Bangalore on the Development Planning Processes in India
- Institute of Town Planners of India (ITPI), Karnataka Chapter
- Council Member at the International Federation for Housing and Planning, Copenhagen, Denmark (
- Fellow at the Takshashila Institution, Bangalore (