| Introduction to Data System

Course Information

  • 2022-23
  • Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • I
  • Jul 2022
  • Core Course

This course is aimed to introduce MPP participants to use data in the contexts of policy making, policy design, policy monitoring and policy evaluation. Course is introductory in nature. Upon successful completion of this course, participants move to an advanced course in second trimester on Research Methods. This course has three parts. In the first part, we will deal with basic statistics as analysis and interpretation of data (primary & secondary) have become the backbone of evidence based policy making. Second part intends to equip participants with Reading and Writing Skills required for public policy analysis. In the third part, students are made familiarised with primary data collection tool. PART I and PART II will run concurrently. PART III will begin only after fifth week of trimester. Course has weight of four credits. PART I carries two credits, while PART II and III carries one credit each.


Sony Pelliserry
Dr. Sony Pellissery

Professor & Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Social Inclusion