‘From Millions to Fractions’: Re-examining Pragmatism in the Context of ‘Internal Reservation’

Title: ‘From Millions to Fractions’: Re-examining Pragmatism in the Context of ‘Internal Reservation’

Published on: April 1, 2018

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Author: Pradeep Ramavath J


Significant population growth of scheduled caste sub-groups coupled with historical internal divisions have been fertile terrain for the political manoeuvring. Given the growing ‘intra’ and ‘inter’ group inequalities mediated through political, caste, and class apparatus have given rise to ‘heightened conflicts’ among the scheduled caste sub-groups. The recent speculations on ‘internal reservation’ through ‘re-categorisation’ is a definitive subject matter of public policy in the State of Karnataka. However this requires a careful examination of historicity, constitutionality, rationality, legality and emotionality encircling the policy of reservation than just ‘rhetoric’ and ‘propaganda’. This paper is an attempt to re-examine Dr. Ambedkar’s vision of social justice in the context of ‘internal reservation’ and its public policy implications for the ‘underrepresented, unseen, unheard’ scheduled caste sub-groups.