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Alumni Feature | Vipin Juneja – Master’s in Public Policy ‘23

October 1, 2022

With the conviction that only good policies can result in great nation-states, Vipin joined the NLSIU Public Policy Programme to pursue a career in which he could actively contribute to society and nation-building. Born and brought up in an entrepreneurship-driven Punjabi household based out of New Delhi, Vipin has been inclined towards enterprising since his childhood. He began working as an eCommerce entrepreneur at the age of 14 whereby he attained the top-ranking status in his category on

In terms of education, he graduated from St. Stephens’ College, University of Delhi, with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and History. Following graduation, Vipin began preparing for the UPSC Civil Services exam. However, being unable to clear the mains stage compelled him to look elsewhere, and he was chosen for the coveted LAMP Fellowship by PRS Legislative Research, which allowed him to assist a Member of Parliament for a year. During his time as a LAMP Fellow, he learnt about numerous aspects of policy formulation and execution and contributed to them on various platforms, including Parliamentary Standing Committees. Prior to beginning the program at NLS, he also worked for the YSR Congress Party, where he supported the Party’s Parliamentary Panel during the Budget Session of 2021.

He worked at the Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW) as part of his Client Led Project, where he had the chance to work on ‘Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage’ – an emerging approach to tackle the threat of climate change. Vipin has attempted to investigate several dimensions and sectors within Public Policy, including Education, Health, Environment, and Urban Politics, among others, through his internships. He believes that a broad grasp of diverse sectors will aid in the formulation of holistic policy solutions.

His recent internships at Chase India and Primus Partners have also exposed him to the advocacy processes that go into policy-making and the role that various stakeholders and interest groups play.

Due to his interest in the field of public finance, as part of his dissertation, he looks to examine how the Tax Behavior of Citizens is impacted by Information supplied by Governments. Aside from academics, Vipin was a member of a team that advanced to the national finals of Amlan, a policy case competition organised by IIM Lucknow as part of their Manfest-Varchasva festiva