JSW-NLS-NUS Summer School Program from June 17 – June 30, 2024 | Applications Open!
March 27, 2024

In April 2023, NLSIU had announced a collaboration with the JSW Law School of Bhutan to launch their inaugural summer school program last year. This program was launched in partnership with the Faculty of Law at the National University of Singapore.
The JSW School of Law is currently inviting applications for the Second Undergraduate Summer School Program for June 2024! The program will take place at JSW’s new green campus just outside of Paro, Bhutan. The courses will be taught intensively over a two-week period from June 17 – June 30, 2024. Students accepted to the program will have a choice of two out of three courses taught by legal academics from leading law schools in Asia.
►Comparative Corporate Governance
Professor Umakanth Varottil, National University of Singapore
►Comparative Criminal Law
Professor Mrinal Satish, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, India
►Legal Argument and Narrative
Professor Helena Whalen-Bridge, National University of Singapore
About the program
The program will admit a maximum of 30 students. Students must enrol in two of the three courses offered. The timetable is designed so that students enrolling in two courses will spend around 5 hours in class per teaching day with ample breaks in between. Students have a field trip on Fridays and a free day on Saturday. Each course is taught using the seminar method, in classes of 2 to 3 hours’ duration and totaling 23 class contact hours. They are assessed by continuous modes such as reading reflection papers, student presentations of readings, class participation, and a final take-home exam to be completed a few weeks after the summer school has ended.
Upon satisfactory completion, students will be awarded a certificate detailing the courses they have taken and the grades received. The certificate will be signed by representatives of the JSW School of Law, the National Law School of India and the National University of Singapore.
Who can apply?
To apply, students must meet the following criteria:
► Students must have completed their second year or higher of an undergraduate law degree (LLB or JD)
► Applicants must have a sufficient command of the English language for studying the required readings and participating in classroom discussions
How to apply?
To apply for the summer school program, download the application form HERE.
Once students have filled out the form, they will have to email it to along with other relevant documents as specified in the form.
► Application deadline: April 20, 2024.
►Selection results will be communicated to applicants on a rolling basis but no later than April 25, 2024.
►Payment of fees, which are non-refundable, is due no later than May 05, 2024.
► Nu.75,000 or Rs. 75,000 (includes tuition, a suite with shared bath, and meals on campus for two-week program)
►The above fee structure also includes two trips (one to Thimphu and one to be determined later) outside Paro, and entry fees to sites, pick-up and drop-off at Paro International Airport, transportation for planned travel and field trips).
*Some partial scholarships are available to students on a need basis in Bhutan and SAARC countries.
Visa Information: Upon confirming the enrollment, selected students will receive the visa application form. Please note that you will be required to pay visa fee separately (Nu. 5000 or Rs.5000).
To know more about the course details and other information, visit https://jswlaw.bt/jsw-school-of-laws-undergraduate-summer-schoolprogram/