CET214 | Ethics and Public Policy

Course Information

  • 2024-25
  • CET214
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), 3-Year LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M., Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • III, IV, V
  • Jul 2024
  • Elective Course

This course will examine ethical issues related to public policy, public administration, and relationships between public and private authority. As future practitioners of public policy and law, it is imperative that one understands how ethics, morality and principles form the core values in making decisions, issues that can arise and how one deals with a delicate situation in their practice of law and policy.

In this course, we will read and discuss a variety of case studies (domestic and international) and theoretical works. The main objectives are to:

1) reflect upon key issues in professional and administrative ethics;

2) apply ethical principles to policy analysis; and

3) articulate ethical arguments in writing and in discussion.

The course uses real-life examples of ethical issues in India and around the world. It also uses case studies developed extensively and theoretical readings to understand the concepts.

It is a standalone course and can be opted by Public Policy (first and second year) as well as Law students(second to fifth year). The seminar paper, to be submitted at the end of the course, would require the students to read a book based on an ethical issue (a list will be shared in the first week of class and students can either chose from that list or choose any other book of their choice after approval) and review it using the readings / discussions during the course work.

This course would cover the following aspects –

1. Definition of morality, ethics, laws, liberty, human rights, utilitarianism and democratic dirty hands

2. Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks

3. Ethical Problems in Public Careers

4. Responsibility, Manipulation of Information and Secrecy in Principle

5. Global Ethical Complications

The course is designed as a seminar style, discussion based with extensive use of case studies.


Puja Minni

Visiting Faculty