Course Information
- 2020-21
- PRL201
- 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
- II
- Nov 2020
- Core Course
“Transfer of Property Law and Practice” (hereinafter TPLP) essentially forms core part of ‘Commercial Laws” offered in sizeable number of courses all through in the form of compulsory taught, optional seminar and intensive courses. TPLP takes within its fold substantive, procedural and evidentiary aspects. TPLP Course deals with foundational legal principles pertaining to distinct forms of transfer of property along with associated dimensions including registration, easements and stamp duty. Accordingly, the course covers significant common law principles along with statutory principles as envisaged under Statutes like Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Registration Act, 1908, The Easements Act, 1882 and Stamp Act (both Central and select State jurisdictions !).The choices of materials include, statutes, judicial decisions and identified textbook.
This Course will have Lectures, Case presentations and Interactive Discussions.