IDS903 | Introduction to Data Systems

Course Information

  • 2020-21
  • IDS903
  • Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • I
  • Jul 2020
  • Core Course

Use of data is central to policy making process. Evidence-based policy making primarily relies
on data. How data is generated, how it is manipulated, how it is analysed have to be learned by
a policy graduate for effective functioning. This course will introduce participants to these skills
in the very first trimester of the programme. This course will be followed up by Research
Methodology course in second trimester, which will provide scientific basis for data generation.
This course will limit itself to data usage. The first part of the course will begin with statistics.
This is primarily to bring the class to basic appreciation of statistical tools, which are necessary
through the course. Second part of the course aims to develop the skills of reading and writing
in the participants. Third part of the course will enable participants about different types of
data and their uses – introduction to secondary data, primary data gathering required in
fieldwork will be discussed here. The course will be delivered by a team of faculty members.


Kaushik Basu
Dr. Kaushik Basu

Assistant Professor

Rahul Choragudi
Dr. Rahul Choragudi

Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc)

Sony Pelliserry
Dr. Sony Pellissery

Professor & Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Social Inclusion