Course Information
- 2020-21
- CCP1006
- 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
- III, IV, V
- Nov 2020
- Seminar Course
How does this course relate to the programme curriculum – This course is an elective. It develops on the Criminal Law core course which is a core course mandated by Bar Council or UGC.
Describe how you have approached the course – This seminar course explores the criminological perspectives of crime and social control. The readings will focus on the contexts that shape the emergence of the crime and the modes of social intervention that characterise the criminal justice system. Specific attention will be paid to the institutions of the police, courts, and prisons in order to appreciate their functioning in the current legal framework, and suggest recommendations for reform.
Describe your pedagogical method – Each module begins with a lecture which is then followed by a seminar style discussion of the readings. The discussion will be moderated by the teacher and supplemented from the materials wherever necessary.
Describe the layout of the course – The course is divided into 4 modules. The first module provides a general theoretical background on crime commission. The following modules use the readings of module one to study more closely response to crime and crime prevention from the lens of the three main criminal justice institutions: the courts, the police, and the prisons.
Module One: Criminological Theories
Module Two: Models of Justice
Module Three: Police and Policing
Module Four: Life in Prisons