Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution of India

The Chair on Consumer Law and Practice (CLAP) was established in August 2008, by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi at NLSIU to promote research, teaching and training in Consumer Law and Practice. The Consumer Chair has been recognized as a member of the prestigious ‘Consumer International’ (CI) 2013.

The Chair has undertaken the following activities:

  • Developed curriculum on Consumer Welfare laws as a distinct subject of study both at undergraduate & post graduate levels for students at NLSIU. The Chair has also collaborated with many foreign Universities.
  • Publishing of:
    the Scopus indexed journal ‘International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice’
    a bi-annual Newsletter, ‘March on Consumer Law and Practice’ containing a brief report on chair activities, legal developments in the field of Consumer Affairs, and summary of leading judicial decisions.
    books, monographs, pamphlets, & research studies. This includes the books “25 years of Consumer Protection Act- Challenges and the Way Forward” and “Misleading Advertisements and Unfair Trade Practice in India: A Critical Case Analysis”.
  • Providing expert inputs for formulating of policy/programs/schemes of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India;
  • Identifying and disseminating best practices in the field of Consumer Protection Laws and Practice;
  • Organizing Seminars/workshops/conferences, & training programs for law teachers, NGOs and other stake holders on consumer related issues.
  • Started a one year course on ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Consumer Law & Practice’ (PGDCLP) through Distance Education mode. The PGDCLP course is aimed at sensitizing people about Consumer Rights.
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Chair Professor (In Charge): Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar
Affiliated faculty: Meenakshi Ramkumar


Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar

Meenakshi Ramkumar