Course Information
- 2024-25
- CCS213
- 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), 3-Year LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
- III, IV, V
- Mar 2025
- Elective Course
The Citizenship and Statelessness Clinic-II will be a continuation of the two-part Citizenship and Statelessness Clinic. This Clinic will deal with real cases of citizenship deprivation and statelessness at the Supreme Court of India and the Gauhati High Court.
Citizenship claims litigation lie at the intersection of civil and criminal law, and also involve interesting questions of constitutional and administrative law. Students will work on cases at the appellate level, challenging trial court decisions that have declared persons to be foreigners. Students will work with trial court records and meet regularly with a partner lawyer office to finalise and file the writ petitions/SLPs. Each individual student will be assigned one case in the term.
Only students who have taken and cleared the Citizenship and Immigration Law Elective in the previous term are eligible to enroll for this course.