CAC214 | Contemporary Armed Conflicts And International Law

Course Information

  • 2024-25
  • CAC214
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), 3-Year LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
  • III, IV, V
  • Mar 2025
  • Elective Course

Throughout history, armed confl icts of varying kinds and scales have shaped international affairs, and they continue to do so today. Like other aspects of human existence, armed confl icts are subject to regulation, and over time, they have been governed by a range of laws and principles. These regulatory efforts have diverse origins, including culture, religion, custom, and formal legal systems. Historically, armed conflicts have been addressed through different legal frameworks, ranging from those focused on the justness of war (jus ad bellum) to those regulating the conduct of war (jus in bello). Additionally, the suffering and devastation caused by armed conflicts have prompted efforts to criminalize excesses and hold perpetrators accountable under international criminal law. Armed conflicts have also triggered responses from the international community aimed at limiting or ending hostilities. These include the imposition of sanctions and other restrictive measures by states and political entities as a form of condemnation or deterrence.

This course examines contemporary armed conflicts through the lens of evolving international legal frameworks. It seeks to equip students with the skills to perceive the changing nature of armed conflicts and understand how international law addresses these challenges. The course acknowledges that many modern developments in armed conflicts lack explicit legal regulation and explores how existing international law can respond to these gaps.

In terms of approach, the course integrates various domains of international law, including the laws of armed conflict, international criminal law, the law of international organizations, and international economic law. By doing so, it provides a holistic


Arnav Sharma

Assistant Professor of Law