| Diligence & Drafting Real Estate, Loan & Securities Contracts

Course Information

  • 2022-23
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
  • III, IV, V
  • Mar 2023
  • Elective Course

1. Theory with relevant case laws of topics which are intended to be taken up will be discussed.

2. Students will be given practical training on drafting and will require completing group assignments and presenting to the class.

This Elective is designed to provide a broad and practical understanding of conducting title diligence and drafting real estate, term loan and security contracts and certain miscellaneous documents.

The core objectives of the Elective are:

1. Aid students to undertake research and use provisions of land and property law to address real life transactional issues pertaining to the real estate sector.

2. Apply provisions of Transfer of Property Act and case laws while drafting contracts.

3. Understand key issue/s, offer recommendations for the efficient application of land laws.

4. Anecdotal discussions on real estate transactions, live drafting classes of relevant contracts.

5. Training on actual key practical skills performed by transactional lawyers, hands-on practical lessons relating to drafting and reviewing of sale, lease, mortgage and other documents.

This elective requires teaching to be a combination of theoretical foundation with practical application. The contact hours will be utilized in catering a blend of instruction, discussion and brainstorming sessions relating to drafting of various contracts.


Ashoo Gupta

Visiting Faculty