ECO102 | Economics II

Course Information

  • 2021-22
  • ECO102
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
  • I
  • Nov 2021
  • Core Course

In the previous trimester you studied microeconomics which dealt with individual or micro units of an economy. In this trimester you will be introduced to macroeconomics applied specifically to India but incorporating comparative aspects, as and when required, to understand the working of policies.

The course will provide an insight into an understanding of the measures of aggregate economic activity – economic growth, unemployment, inflation, trade and the use of monetary and fiscal policy to bring about desirable changes in the economy. In this process we also study the approaches of different ‘schools’ of thought including the Classical, Keynesian, Monetary, Rational and Supply Side approaches.


Dr. T. S. Somashekar

Professor of Economics