Course Information
- 2023-24
- LFL201
- 3-Year LL.B. (Hons.)
- I
- Mar 2024
- Core Course
Family law is a Bar Council mandated area of study and is taught across two core courses in the LL.B. Programme. The first of the two is the present course and serves as a broad introduction to the family as a social institution and its legal form(s).
The study of law in the University ostensibly trains students for a career in the law. This means that the classroom is expected to balance the priorities, perspectives and methods of both the Academic and the Practitioner. In this course, you will learn to wear the hats of both these protagonists and hopefully be able to consciously assemble a multifaceted repertoire of skills and methods to work with the law. We will examine the competing and complementary demands of academic and practitioner lenses. This examination will be central to how we approach the study of Family Law in this course, and will be reflected both in the structure and expectations of the class as well as in the way we approach texts through the term.
This course will involve a fair amount of writing every week. We will incorporate different methods to do two primary things – i. use writing as a way to think critically and, ii. improve our legal and academic writing generally.
This course outline consists of the broad layout of the course, its rationale and module break up. At the end of Week 1 when you receive the groups you will work in through the term, you will also receive the detailed session wise break up of the course. Based on how we work together as a class, this plan will be subject to some change. I will, of course, notify you of any changes well in advance.