Course Information
- 2024-25
- CPM214
- Master's Programme in Public Policy
- I
- Mar 2025
- Elective Course
This course is lab-based learning of data usage. Primary focus is how data could be used in policy advisory context. Familiarising students will different models and theoretical assumptions behind such models are covered. Additionally, participants also will gain ease of using statistical packages. The course will not cover statistics and formula for proofs behind models. How coefficients are obtained, and how these co-efficients should be interpreted will be the focus. Limitations of models also will be discussed. The course also does not include Cost Benefit Analysis, or evaluation methods such as RCT. However, some skills obtained in the course may help to better present results using such techniques.
Pre-requisites: Familiarity with theoretical understanding of public policy, policy analysis and elementary understanding of research methods is useful for this course. It is recommended that a B+ grade pass in economics and research methodology course as prerequisite for this course.
Learning Outcomes: Candidates will gain a balanced approach to both nomothetic and ideographic models. You would be able to independently handle large data sets using SPSS software. In addition to that, you will be comfortable with different types of ideographic policy model formulation.