PP931 | Policy Practice

Course Information

  • 2022-23
  • PP931
  • Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • II
  • Nov 2022
  • Core Course

This course is the penultimate course of different policy related courses the students learn through 2 year MPP programme. Prerequisites there are the courses on Introduction to Public Policy (1st trimester), Policy Analysis and Clinic (2nd trimester), Policy Dialectics (3rd Trimester), and Policy Design and Evaluation (4th trimester). As the penultimate course, the course will review practical dilemmas a practitioner experiences in different decision making situations, and how to respond to.

The course shall be divided into three modules:

(1) The first module is focused on reflexivity: This module will enable students to appreciate practice contexts as different from activist contexts and how to integrate reflection and action into one unit.

(2) Second module led by Dr CK Mathew, will focus on the point of view of the bureaucracy, specifically the Indian administrative structure and how it operates.

(3) The third module will bring a different point of view to practice – that of policy consultants. Here, the focus will be on negotiating skills, advocacy skills and how to work with politicians.

The course will be concluded by a public management framework of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) that enables students to appreciate context-dependency in policy practices.


Sony Pelliserry
Dr. Sony Pellissery

Professor & Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Social Inclusion