CLW214 | The Law of WTO

Course Information

  • 2024-25
  • CLW214
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), 3-Year LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
  • III, IV, V
  • Mar 2025
  • Elective Course

The World Trade Organization (WTO), which came into being on 1 January 1995, is, undoubtedly, the most prominent of all the international organizations regulating trade policies of states at the international level. While bringing into its fold a seemingly rule oriented approach, it continues to inherit some of the practices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1947. The subject-matter covered in the course intends to focus on legal and policy aspects of select area encompassing trade in goods (GATT 1994), trade in services (GATS), regional trade agreements (RTAs), electronic commerce, environment and trade and the dispute settlement.

The WTO being the most influential intergovernmental organization, the subjects dealt with therein are assuming greater importance. As the word lawyering has been expanded to include chamber practice, persons having expertise in the WTO law are very much in demand


Govindraj Hegde
Dr. Govindraj G. Hegde

Associate Professor of Law