Abhimanyu George Jain
Visiting Faculty
PhD Candidate & Research Associate, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
Academic Programmes
5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
PhD, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Ongoing)
LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center – 2013
B.A., LL.B.(Hons.), National Law School of India University, Bengaluru – 2011.
Abhimanyu George Jain is a PhD candidate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development and a research associate with the LAWS & War Crimes project. He has previously worked as a management consultant (McKinsey & Company, Delhi), corporate lawyer (Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, London) and as a member of the counsel team representing India in two investment disputes. He has been admitted to the practice of law in India and in England.
Book chapters:
- ‘Autonomous Cyber Capabilities and Individual Criminal Responsibility for War Crimes’, in Rain Liivoja and Ann Väljataga (eds), Autonomous Cyber Capabilities and International Law (NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence 2021) (forthcoming)
- ‘Bangladesh and the Right of Remedial Secession’, in Jure Vidmar, Lea Raible and Sarah McGibbon (eds), Research Handbook on Secession (Elgar 2021) (forthcoming)
- ‘Individualisation of IHL Through Criminal Responsibility for War Crimes and Some (Un)Intended Consequences’, in Dapo Akande and Jennifer Welsh (eds), The Individualisation of War (OUP 2021) (forthcoming) (co-author Paola Gaeta)
- ‘The 2015 Indian Model BIT’, in Mahdev Mohan and Chester Brown (eds), The Asian Turn in Investment Arbitration(CUP 2021) (forthcoming) (co-author Shreyas Jayasimha)
Journal articles:
- ‘Universal Civil Jurisdiction in International Law’, (2015) 55(2) Indian Journal of International Law 209
- ‘The 21st Century Atlantis: The International Law of Statehood and Climate Change-Induced Loss of Territory’ (2014) 50 Stanford Journal of International Law 1
- ‘Derivatives as a Test Case for International Financial Regulation Through the WTO’ (2014) 48 Journal of World Trade 135
- ‘“Economy of Use” in the 1997 UN Convention on Shared Watercourses: An Attempt at Elucidation’ (2014) 25 Colorado Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law Review 125
- ‘Rationalising International Law Rules on Self-Defence: The Pin-Prick Doctrine’ (2014) XII Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law 23
- ‘Interpreting the “Removal” Obligation in Article 7.8 of the WTO SCM Agreement’ (2013) 10 Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 402
- ‘Consent to Counterclaims in Investor-State Arbitration: A Post-Roussalis Analysis’ (2013) 16(5) International Arbitration Law Review 135
Shorter pieces:
- Quarterly reports on Indian state practice relating to international law in the Indian Journal of International Law (2014-18)
- ‘Review: Daragh Murray (ed.), Practitioners’ Guide to Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict’ (2018) 16 Journal of International Criminal Justice 489
- ‘Case Note: Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile)’ (2015) 109 American Journal of International Law 379
Blog posts and media commentary:
- ‘Does India Meet the Legal Standards it Demanded From Pakistan in the Jadhav Case?’ (The Wire, 31 July 2019)
- ‘What Did India Win (& Lose) in the Jadhav Case’ (Economic Times, 20 July 2019)
- ‘The A-Historicity of Preah Vihear and the Space for Inter-Disciplinarity in International Law’ (Völkerrechtsblog, 25 Jan 2019)
- ‘An Indian Perspective on Megaregionals and Concomitant Trends’ (Völkerrechtsblog, 17 June 2016)
- ‘Recognition of States in International Law: For Sale’ (EJIL: Talk!, 21 April 2014)
- ‘(Ab)Using International Law: Over-Extending the Use of Crimes Against Humanity’ (Justice in Conflict, 2 October 2011)