Dr. Ajar Rab
Visiting Faculty
Founding Partner, ANR LAW LLP
- BA LLB (Hons), National Law School of India University – 2011
- Master of Law and Business (Business Administration and Management), WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany – 2014
- Master of Law and Business (Intl. Arbitration, Intl. Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, EU Law, Corporate Restructuring), Bucerius Law School – 2014
- Doctor of Law (International Commercial Arbitration), Bucerius Law School – 2021
Dr. Ajar Rab is the founding partner at ANR LAW LLP, Dehradun, and an arbitrator. His practice areas include international arbitration, corporate transactions, and commercial litigation. He handles several arbitrations and commercial litigations relating to energy disputes, EPC contracts, and infrastructure disputes, amongst others. He has previously worked with ministries, government bodies, and policy institutes. He is also an International Policy Consultant at Lexidale.
Dr. Rab is a ‘Professor of Practice’ at the School of Law, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, an Honorary Research Chair Professor, Centre for ADR and Arbitration, NIRMA University, Ahemadabad, a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata, and visiting faculty in other law schools of the country. He is a nominated member of the Board of Studies at Nirma University and Tamil Nadu National Law University.
He frequently trains executives and legal teams of multi-national corporations, civil servants and teaches courses on Negotiation and Drafting of Commercial Documents, Litigation Strategy, and International Commercial Arbitration at various law universities in India. He is empanelled with the India International Arbitration Centre (IIAC), Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Kuala Lumpur, Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CBMA) as an arbitrator and is also a member of several arbitration institutes across the world, a member on the advisory board, as well as on the peer-review board of several academic journals.
He has authored books on ‘Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Review’ (Kluwer Law International) and ‘Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016’ (EBC) and Drafting Contracts (EBC). He has published several academic papers in leading national and international journals, and his contributions have been cited by the Supreme Court of India.
• Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016: A Practitioners Guide, 2019 (Eastern Book Company)
• Drafting of Commercial Contracts (under print with the Eastern Book Company)
• Chapter on Rethinking Enforceability and Specific Performance of Shareholder Agreements, RGNUL Book Series on Corporate Law & Corporate Affairs (Issue IV)
• ‘Options in Shares: A Clear Investment Option’ – published in the ‘In-House Lawyer,’ United Kingdom, Issue No. 200, May 2012
• Redressal Mechanism under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016: Ouster of the Arbitration Tribunal? 10 NUJS L. Rev. 1 (2017)
• Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016: Misplaced Euphoria? Amity International Journal of Juridical Sciences, Vol. 1, 2017
• Arbitration & Conciliation Amendment Act, 2015 – Enforcing Interim Orders, where is the Relief? (2017) 4 NSLJ 89
• Aftab v. Emaar: The End of Line for Consumer Arbitration in India? – International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice, 6 IJCLP, 2018
• Defining the Contours of the Public Policy Exception – A New Test for Arbitrability in India, Indian Journal of Arbitration Law, Volume 7 Issue 2, 2019
• Smart Contracts & Blockchain: The Panacea to the Unequal Bargaining Power of Consumers? – International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice, 8 IJCLP, 2020, 40
• Can the Adoption of the CISG Save the Commercial Relationship of Parties in India? – Oxford Business Law
• Accreditation of Arbitrators in India: A New License Requirement? – Kluwer Arbitration
• Appointment of Sole Arbitrator: Can a Modified Asymmetrical Arbitration Clause Avoid Court Appointment? – Kluwer Arbitration
• Cross-Examination in Commercial Arbitration in India: Creating ‘Courtrooms of Choice’ – Centre for Business and Commercial Law
• Contract Law and Specific Relief: The ‘Un-common’ Indian Law – Indian Journal of International Economic Law
• TRF Ltd. & Perkins: Limiting ‘Freedom of Contract’ and the Choking of Party Autonomy – National Law School India Review Online
• BGS V. NHPC – Implications Beyond the ‘Seat’ & ‘Venue’ Debate – RGNUL
Student Research Review:
• No Arbitration in Consumer and Real Estate Disputes – IndiaCorpLaw
• Consumers Cannot be Compelled to Arbitrate Disputes – IndiaCorpLaw
• 2019 Amendment to Arbitration Law: Foreign Arbitrators in Indian Seated Arbitrations – IndiaCorpLaw