
Diya Deviah

Assistant Professor of Law


Co-director, The Writing Centre, NLSIU

Phone Extension: 518 | Direct Number: 080-23010518


Academic Programmes

5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)

3-Year LL.B. (Hons.)


Master's Programme in Public Policy



  • B.A. (Hons) Economics – St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) – Jindal Global Law School
  • M.Phil in Law – University of Oxford


Diya is an Assistant Professor of Law and a founding Co-Director of The Writing Centre at NLSIU. She teaches courses in Legal Theory, Private Law and Philosophy, Legal Methods, Family Law, Reading, and Writing across undergraduate, graduate and the Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) programmes at the University. At The Writing Centre she collaborates on curriculum development, designs and conducts workshops and provides individualised sessions on writing for students, at The Writing Studio.

Her forthcoming publications include a theoretical survey of constitutional obligations and a critique of the public-private divide in the Indian constitution  (in the Cambridge Handbook on the Indian Constitution) as well as a history of the student figure and writing pedagogy at the University in colonial and postcolonial India (in the Socio-Legal Review).

Qualified to practice law in India, she has served as a Research Officer with the Oxford Pro Bono Publico (OPBP) and the Law and Political Economy Project as a co-convenor of its Oxford chapter. She has worked on a series of legal and policy projects with government ministries in India and abroad as well as pro bono organisations, NGOs, think tanks and universities.

She has a deep interest in history and the politics, assumptions and limits of archival inquiry. Her interest in archives is also shaped by a commitment to cultivating an archival imagination that transcends disciplinary silos, and to public engagement with source criticism beyond the university. She is currently working on a multi-lingual, traveling exhibition on Archiving Feminist Democracies in South Asia which will launch in March of 2025.

Research Areas

Corporations, Histories of Capitalism, Law and Political Economy, Human Rights Law and Theory, Legal History, Marxist and Critical Theories of Law, Constitutional Theory, Jurisprudence, Family Law and Writing Pedagogy. She also supervises LLM theses on these topics.