Academic Programmes
5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
Master's Programme in Public Policy
Mar 2025
Nov 2024
Jul 2024
Mar 2024
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Nov 2022
Mar 2022
- B.A. (Hons) Persian, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- M.A in Sociology, Pondicherry University
- M. Phil in Sociology, Pondicherry University
- PhD, Sociology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras
Dr. Aniket Nandan is a sociologist. As assistant professor at National Law School of India University, Bangalore he teaches in BA LLB and MPP programs. He is also assistant director of the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy at NLSIU, Bangalore. His doctoral research at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras was focused on socio-political investigations of associational life of caste groups that display a fascinating intersection of caste, class, and religion. His present research aims to delineate the processes, shifts, transformations, and the convergences between the structure and agency influenced by varied forms of identity formulations. While engaging with the questions of caste and identity formation vis-à-vis modern-secular democracy, neo-liberal market and statist policy making in India, his research also ventures into the questions of citizenship, sovereignty, and bureaucracy intrinsic to modern state.
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- Nandan, A., & Deb, S. (2024). Ambiguous Identity and Uncertain Belonging: Assessing the Lives of Undocumented Brihannalas in the Backdrop of the COVID-19 Pandemic. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol 46. Issue 6. 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/00856401.2024.2353511
- Nandan, A. (2024). Populism and Caste in Contemporary India: Sociopolitical Pragmatisms of Caste Associations. In: Chacko Chennattuserry, J., Deshpande, M., Hong, P. (eds) Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9859-0_425-1
- A. Nandan, (2022), “A Sociopolitical Alternative for Dalits in Uttar Pradesh and Expectations from It”, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, New Delhi, Sage Publications. (First published on 8th June).
- A. Nandan and Santhosh .R. (2020), “Associational Structures and Beyond: Evolution and Contemporary Articulations of Bhumihar Caste Associations in Bihar, India”, Journal of Historical Sociology, Wiley Publications, London. (Vol 33 issue 4, pp 665-680)
- A. Nandan and Santhosh. R., (2019), “Exploring the changing forms of caste-violence: A Study on Bhumihars in Bihar, India”, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Taylor&Francis, Vol. 6 issue 4, ISSN: 2325-4823 (Print) 2325-4815 (Online).
- A. Nandan, (2018), “Revival of Hindu Nationalism: Interplay of Religion and Caste in Contemporary India”, Athens Journal of Social Science, (Vol.5, Issue 4), e-ISSN: 2241-7737.
- A. Nandan, (2014), “Contours of Indian Federalism”, The Hindustan Review: An International Journal of BCARDS, (Vol.60), ISSN 0972-1894.
Book Chapters:
- A. Nandan, (2018), “Constructing images and asserting identities: Impact of Rallies as media in electoral democracy”, in S. Sangeeta, Shushila. S. and Anupam. Y (eds.), Media, Culture and Ethics, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. India, New Delhi. ISBN: 938768719-8.
Book Reviews:
- A. Nandan, (2022), Book Review: Sushmita Pati. 2022. Properties of Rent: Community, Capital and Politics in Globalising Delhi. Cambridge University Press. 295 pp. in National Law School Journal, Bengaluru. (Vol 16, issue 1, pp 135-140).
- A. Nandan, (2022), Book Review: Christophe Jaffrelot, 2021. Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy. Translated by Cynthia Schoch. Princeton University Press. 656 pages, $35.00. ISBN 978-0-6912-2309-4 (eBook) in International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany (Vol 53, issue. 2, pp 313-315).
- Ajantha Subramanian. 2019. The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India. Harvard University Press. 384 pp. in Review of Development and Change, New Delhi, Sage. (Vol 25, issue 2, pp 273-275).
Recent articles in the press:
- Swarupa Deb and Aniket Nandan, India’s Pride marches are important call for justice but elitist – they must be democratised, Scroll, Nov 27, 2024