Mar 2025
- B.A., L.L.B. (Hons.), National Law School of India University (2002)
- P.G. Diploma, Asian College of Journalism, Chennai (2003)
- L.L.M., Harvard Law School (2014)
- Ph.D., University of New South Wales, Sydney (2023)
Siddharth is a lawyer and legal academic whose work focuses on public law, law and media, human rights law, and gender and sexuality related law. Siddharth’s Ph.D. thesis titled Facebook’s Crowds and Publics: Law, Virality & the Regulation of Hate Speech Online in Contemporary India (UNSW, Sydney 2023) investigates how virality has enabled digital harms including hate speech online that has led to serious challenges to platform governance in the Indian context.
Siddharth has worked previously as a Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School, Australia; Assistant Professor (Visiting fulltime) at the School of Law, Governance & Citizenship, Ambedkar University Delhi; as a Research Associate with the Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi; as a lawyer with the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore. He has also worked previously as a journalist with The Hindu newspaper and Frontline magazine in Delhi.