Academic Programmes
5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
Mar 2025
Jul 2024
Mar 2024
Nov 2023
July 2023
Mar 2023
Nov 2022
B.A.LLB (Hons.), University of Calcutta -2013
LLM, NUJS, Kolkata – 2014
PhD, NUJS, Kolkata – 2022
Madhubanti has been engaged in different legal research projects since 2014. Her doctoral research on the Socio-Legal Implications of Cosmetic Surgeries and her empirical research experience in the fields of medical law, environmental law and child rights law has enabled her to appreciate the interplay of different disciplines that influence the implementation of law. She wishes to draw and incorporate her learnings from her varied research experiences into her teaching pedagogy.
Prior to joining NLSIU in 2019, she has taught International Human Rights Law and administered lectures on Research Methodology to undergraduate and postgraduate students at NUJS, Kolkata and has also been a faculty member for the Post Graduate Diploma in Public Healthcare and Medical Laws offered by NUJS. Since 2020, she has been a faculty member for the Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Laws offered by PACE, NLSIU. She also delivers lectures at the Karnataka Judicial Academy.
Research Work
Madhubanti’s stint with legal research started with a project commissioned by the Judicial Academy on Medical Negligence and Consumer Protection in West Bengal. She has worked on Child Protection laws as the Programme Officer of a Research Centre established in collaboration with UNICEF. She has also been an independent legal consultant to UNICEF in the study ‘Evaluation of the Implementation of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 in West Bengal’ that examined the status of implementation of the Act in West Bengal. She has also worked with a Gender Resource Centre and a Women’s Rights Initiative for their project on Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Since 2019 Madhubanti has been engaged with the Centre for Environmental Law, Research and Advocacy, NLSIU, and has worked on Urban Governance Laws in the state of Karnataka and assisted in consolidating the municipal laws of the state. She has headed the research team in a MoEF&CC project that entailed assisting the Ministry with advisory on implementing India’s obligations under the Chemical and Waste related MEAs. In all the research projects, she has been responsible for conceptualizing, preparing and executing the research plan and in leading the research team in field studies.
Books and Book Chapters
- ‘Medical Negligence and Misconduct through the lens of Consumer Laws’ in REFLECTIONS ON MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS IN INDIA’, (Sandeep Bhat B ed.) Eastern Law House Private Ltd.,2016 (ISBN 978-81-7177-298-8
- HANDBOOK ON CHEMICAL AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT AND HANDLING IN INDIA, (Sairam Bhat ed.) CEERA, NLSIU, and Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, 2019 (ISBN: 978-81-948677-1-5)
- Impact of Agricultural Activities on Water Contamination and Pollution: Analysing the Existing Central Regulatory Framework to Counter Agricultural Water Pollution, A PRIMER ON AGRICULTURAL WATER USE LAW ( M.K. Ramesh and Sairam Bhat eds.) CEERA, NLSIU, ICAR-IIWM and University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, 2020 (ISBN: 978-81-948677-3-9)
(ISBN – 978-81-948677-3-9) - Crime Against Children, LAW AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (Sangeeta Ray Maitra ed.), Satyam Law International, 2021
ISBN – 9789391345860
Journal Articles:
- Analysing Urban Energy Transition in light of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.” (2022).
- The Legal and Ethical Discourse on Cosmetic Surgeries in Children GNLU Law Review, Volume 8, 2021 (ISSN: 0974-9810)
- Use of Technology in Medical Practice and Liability for Malfunctions IN LAW Magazine, Vol. 7, 2021 Special Edition: Law and Technology (ISSN: 2349-624X)
- Corporate Environment Responsibility in EIA: Not a Mandate? IN LAW Magazine, Vol. 6, 2020 (ISSN: 2349-624X)
- Role of Consent in Cosmetic Surgeries and Enhancements: A Comparative Analysis in the National Law School Journal Vol. 15, 2019 ( ISSN: 0971-491X)
- ‘Austin’s Theory of Sovereignty and its Prevalence in India’ VBCL Law Review. Vol. I, 2016 (ISSN 2456-0480
- “Testing the Mettle of WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding Under its Compliance Mechanism”, Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. VIII, 2015 (ISSN 2278-2702)
- Amending the Forest [Conservation] Act: Agenda for Reform, (with Sairam Bhat and Lianne D’souza) ceera pub, 2021
- National Jal Jeevan Mission Goals And Implementation Challenges, (with Ujal Mookherjee and Deepthishree KJ) ceera pub, 2021
- LG Polymer Gas Leak – An Inquiry into the Application of Domestic & International Legal Obligations around Chemical Accidents (with Sairam Bhat, Geethanjali KV and Rohith Kamath), ceera pub, 2020
- Illicit Wildlife Trade : Adding Fuel to the Pandemic Fire, (with Milind Rajratnam)ceera pub, 2020
- Legislating Climate Change Law – Is the time ripe to enact a law (with Sairam Bhat), ceera pub, 2020
- Non-disparagement Clauses in Employment Contracts – A Global Perspective (with Divyae Patel), ceera pub, 2020
- Environmental Funds in India: An Appraisal (with Sairam Bhat), ceera pub, 2020
Research and Policy Advocacy:
- Submitted suggestions on the Biodiversity (Amendment) Bill, 2021 on behalf of CEERA, NLSIU to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and was invited for a personal hearing before the Committee in February, 2022.
- Co-authored CEERA, NLSIU’s legal opinion sought by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change regarding the inclusion of ‘used electrical equipment’ under the definition of e-waste under the TECHNICAL GUIDELINES adopted at the fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties by decision BC-14/5 held at Geneva from 29 April to 10 May 2019 on TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC WASTE AND USED ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, IN PARTICULAR REGARDING THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN WASTE AND NON-WASTE UNDER THE BASEL CONVENTION.
- Co-authored the report of the study “Implementation of POCSO Act, 2012 in West Bengal” – UNICEF, West Bengal and Centre for Child Rights, NUJS
- Was the Assistant Editor of the HANDBOOK ON CHILD PSYCHOLOGY FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS, commissioned by UNICEF, West Bengal and the Centre for Child Rights, NUJS, 2018
- Co-authored the report of the study “Medical Negligence and Consumer Protection in West Bengal : Need for expanding the Role of Judiciary” undertaken by the West Bengal Judicial Academy in collaboration with NUJS, Kolkata.