- B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), National Law School of India University, Bangalore
- LL.M. Legal Theory, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany
Mrinalini Shinde is an environmental lawyer, lecturer researcher based at the University of Cologne in Germany. She currently manages the International Master of Environmental Sciences programme and is affiliated with the INGENIoS (Indo-German Network Interaction of Scientists) projects at the Environmental Law Center of the University of Cologne. Her previous role was as a Fellow at the Legal Affairs division of the UNFCCC secretariat in intergovernmental matters, treaty implementation and capacity-building. She has previously litigated cases in environmental, civil and criminal law as an Advocate in India; and advised the climate media non-profit, ‘Climate Tracker Inc.’ as Policy Associate. She is currently a candidate for the Doctor of Laws at the Faculty of Law, University of Cologne, & Doctor of Comparative Law at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; her doctoral work focuses on corporate liability for the crime of ecocide.
Research Interests
- International Climate Law
- Corporate environmental crime
- International environmental law
- Carbon Taxes and Carbon Pricing
- Decolonisation & TWAIL Approaches in IEL
Book Chapters
- Mrinalini Shinde, The Implementation of the Paris Agreement through Tax Law: Examples from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Chapter 7 in Globalisation, Environmental law and Sustainable Development in the Global South: Challenges for Implementation (Kirk W. Junker and Paolo Davide Farah eds; Routledge: 2021) ISBN 9780367749132.
- Environmental Law Across Cultures: Comparisons for Legal Practice (Kirk W. Junker ed. 1st edn.; Routledge: 2019) ISBN: 9780367028268; Author of the following chapters:
- Ch. 4: “Resolution of Environmental Disputes,” Vanessa Johnston…, et al… & Mrinalini Shinde;
- Ch. 7: “Public Participation,” Mrinalini Shinde, Tsegai Berhane Ghebretekle & Kirk W. Junker;
- Ch. 10: “Environmental Crime and Enforcement,” Mrinalini Shinde.
- Mrinalini Shinde, Environmental Law of India, Chapter 28 in Comparative Environmental Law and Regulation (Elizabeth Burleson, Lin-Heng Lye & Nicholas A. Robinson eds.; Thomson Reuters; 2018) ISBN: 9780379012514.
Journal Articles
- Mrinalini Shinde, Legal Transplants as seen in the Comparative Analysis of Judicial Decisions on the Environmental Personhood of Rivers, Vol. 7, Iss. 2 RGNUL Student Research Review (2021) available at http://rsrr.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Mrinalini-Shinde.pdf
- Mrinalini Shinde & Kirk W. Junker, Horse before the Cart: Discussing the Legal Fiction of Animal Personhood in India, Vol. 2 Iss 3[1] Bharati Law Review (2019).
- Mrinalini Shinde, Hook, Line and Sinker: Organised Crime in the Fisheries Value Chain, Vol. II Iss. 1 MNLU Mumbai Law Review (2018).
- Mrinalini Shinde, Viability of Market Mechanisms in Transboundary River Allocations: a Look at the Colorado River, Vol. 2 Iss. II Contemporary Law and Policy Review, (2019) available at http://www.nlunagpur.ac.in/PDF/2019/CLR-Vol_2_No.II.pdf .
- Mrinalini Shinde, Making a Case for Municipal Autonomy in Realizing the Paris Agreement, Vol. 14 Iss. 2 Socio-Legal Review, p. 233 (2018) available at http://www.sociolegalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Making-a-case-for-Municipal-autonomy-in-realizing-the-Paris-Agreement.pdf
- Mrinalini Shinde, Sins of the Father: A Rise in Children’s Lawsuits Against Climate Change, Iss. 9 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law EJournal, p. 228 (2018) available at http://www.iucnael.org/en/e-journal/current-issue.
- Mrinalini Shinde, The Polluter Pays Principle in Effect at the National Green Tribunal in India, Vol. 9 The Journal of Health, Environment and Education (2017) available at http://hee-journal.uni-koeln.de/23698.html.
- Mrinalini Shinde, Special Economic Zones and Sustainability: A Paradox, Vol. 1, Iss. 2 International Journal of Academic Conference Proceedings (2012) available at http://ojs.ijacp.org/index.php/ISG/article/view/123.