Pritam Baruah
Visiting Faculty
Academic Programmes
5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
PhD, University College, London (2020)
BCL, University of Oxford
BA,BL, NALSAR, Hyderabad
Legal, Constitutional Theory.
- Uwe Volkman and Pritam Baruah, Concepts of Democracy’ in ‘Constitutional Democracy in the European Union and India: Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities’ (Elgar 2021, eds. P. Dann & A. Thiruvengadam) Forthcoming.
- Pritam Baruah, ‘Human Dignity in Indian Constitutional Adjudication’ in Human Dignity in Asia: A Dialogue between Law and Culture, (Cambridge University Press 2021, eds. Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu) Forthcoming.
- Pritam Baruah, ‘(De) Valuing Dignity: Three Risks of Dignity Inflation in the Indian Supreme Court’s Reasoning’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 55, Issue No. 31, 01 Aug, 2020
- Pritam Baruah & Zaid Deva, ‘Justifying Privacy: The Indian Supreme Court’s Comparative Analysis’, Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law (Forthcoming, 2018).
- Pritam Baruah, ‘Are there any interpretive concepts?’ in V. Rodriguez, S. Khurshid, and L. Malik (eds) ‘Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin’ (Oxford University Press 2018)
- Pritam Baruah, ‘Human Rights Theory and Sustainable Development’ (Indian Journal of Law and Society, forthcoming).
- ‘Human Dignity in Adjudication: The Limits of Placeholding and Essential Contestability Accounts’, (2014) 27 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 329.
- Book Review: Kai Möller, ‘The Global Model of Constitutional Rights’, (2013) 76 Modern Law Review 1162. (4000 words).
- Pritam Baruah & Nicolas Martin Rouleau, ‘Pluralism from Below: Building Constitutional Pluralism from Value Pluralism’, in P. Ishwara Bhat (ed.) Constitutionalism and Constitutional Pluralism (Lexis Nexis, 2013)
- ‘Democracy, Representation, and Self-Rule in the Indian Constitution’, Verfassung und Recht in Übersee VRÜ/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America 44 (2011).
- ‘Logic and Coherence in Naz Foundation: The Arguments of Non-Discrimination, Privacy, and Dignity’, (2009) 3 NUJS L. Rev 504.
- Book Review: Mahendra P Singh (ed.) VN Shukla’s Constitution of India (11th Edition), (2009) 2 NUJS L. Rev. 351.
- Book Review: Kamala Sankaran and Ujjwal Kumar Singh (ed.), Legal Literacy: An Introduction to Law in India, (2008) 1 NUJS L. Rev. 379.
- Geetanjali Swamy, Pritam Baruah & Saurabh Bhattacharjee, ‘The Embarrassment of Poverty- A Critique of State Power and Responsibility’ (2005) 1 Nalsar Student Law Review 1.
- Prashant Bhushan’s Contempt & The Republic’s Feudal Vestige https://www.article-14.com/post/prashant-bhushan-s-contempt-the-republic-s-feudal-vestige
- Not Just Equality, the CAA Betrays Constitutional Values of Dignity, Integrity https://thewire.in/rights/caa-constitution-equality
- Defining Dignity https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/defining-dignity-supreme-court-constitution-5392693/
- Shamnad Basheer’s work in IP, academia, holds survival lessons for the liberal edifice https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/professor-shamnad-basheer-death-law-idia-founder-5893104/
- CAB Aftermath, The Assam Tribune, 15 December 2019 http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/spat.asp?id=2019%2Fdec1519%2FBigPage6.jpg&fbclid=IwAR2E9iC2f9_ipf-DtMsTBKNfIh2Kj1neRBcScgcae7irRw8L-qvU_139geo
Work in progress:
- Reasoning with values: Interpretive Concepts and the Problem of Content in Dworkin’s Value Holism
- Status-Based Accounts of Dignity: Interpretive Circularity
- Privacy and Liberty in the Indian Supreme Court: A Skeptical View