



  • B.S.W. LL.B. (Hons.) from Gujarat National Law University, India
  • LL.M. in International Law (summa cum laude), Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland


Shantanu is a public international lawyer. He was previously a Researcher with the Geneva Trade Platform and a Fellow at the International Institute for Sustainable Development office in Geneva, researching international trade negotiations ongoing at the WTO and international and domestic investment law.

Prior to that, he used to counsel and assist the Indian Government in multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations, focusing on services trade, e-commerce, environment and labour matters. He has also worked as a research assistant to two members of the UN International Law Commission on a variety of international law topics.

He also completed the Sixth Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy organised by the World Trade Institute and the Centre for WTO Studies with distinguished honour.

Research Interests

His research interests include Public International Law, Trade Law and Sustainability, International Investment Law, and India in International Law-Making.



Student-reviewed Journals and Blogs