Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committee

The University has established principles and procedures to combat Sexual Harassment, referred to as the ‘Code to Combat Sexual Harassment.’  In compliance with the requirements of the Supreme Court of India and the University Grants Commission, Sexual Harassment on Campus is condemned and will be suitably punished as laid down in the Code to Combat Sexual Harassment adopted by the University in September, 2002. Read the revised Code to Combat Sexual Harassment.

What constitutes as Sexual Harassment?

Under the Code, Sexual Harassment is defined as ‘Unwelcome Sexual Conduct’ which includes:

  • Any unwelcome sexual advances,
  • Unwelcome acts of physical intimacy,
  • Unwelcome requests for sexual favours including oral, textual, graphic representations of a sexual nature to a person, in the person’s presence or about the person.

To facilitate inquiry and address the grievances arising from the violation of this Code, the Vice Chancellor has constituted the Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committee (SHARIC) to deal with such matters. In accordance with Section 8 of the Code to Combat Sexual Harassment, the Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committee is reconstituted with the following members.

Committee Members

Under the Code to Combat Sexual Harassment 2019, and POSH Act, 2013, the Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committee has been reconstituted as below:

  1. Dr. Rinku Lamba, Associate Professor – Chairperson
  2. Mr. Siddharth Saxena, Assistant Professor
  3. Ms. Nikita Ahalyan, Assistant Professor
  4. Ms. Devyani Srivastava, Senior Manager, Research
  5. Ms. Veena Krishnan, External Member
  6. Student Representative – Ms. Ayushi Jain, III Year LLB (Hons.)

Mr. Balu Nair will continue as Member for ongoing matters until completion.

To raise any complaint related to sexual harassment, please write to

Ms. Aparajita Lath, Assistant Professor, is the Sexual Harassment Policy Advisor (SHPA).

For advice related sexual harassment issues, write to

View the official notification here.