How Dravidian politics offers a bulwark against the exclusionary politics of Hindutva

Title: How Dravidian politics offers a bulwark against the exclusionary politics of Hindutva

Published on: February 8, 2024

Published in: Frontline

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Dr. Karthick Ram Manoharan


‘…While Hindutva is here to stay as a political force, it cannot ignore the politics of social justice. The BJP has shown itself to be flexible in accommodating diverse voices to present its vision of Hindu Rashtra as not based on orthodoxy-inspired social hierarchy but as compatible with modern democracy. What does this mean for Tamil Nadu politics, where Dravidian parties pride themselves on their agenda of social justice, and where the BJP is desperate to make its entry?’

Note: Views expressed in this article are solely that of the author and do not reflect the opinion/stand of the University.