Platform Employment During Covid-19: A Study of Workers in Food Delivery Sector in Bengaluru

Title: Platform Employment During Covid-19: A Study of Workers in Food Delivery Sector in Bengaluru

Published on: January 1, 2022

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Authors: Mohan Mani and Sachin Tiwari

About the study

This study has been done by the Centre for Labour Studies (CLS), National Law School of India University (NLSIU). This develops on an earlier study of the Centre (CLS), covering the employment conditions of food delivery platform workers, done in collaboration with independent scholars and the United Food Delivery Platform Workers Union (UFDPU), covering food delivery work in Bengaluru. The study seeks to link employment conditions with structure of employment relations and regulation in the sector; it seeks to understand global directions in legislation regulating employment in the platform industry; it consequently also seeks to understand the impact of the ongoing pandemic on the sector and its employees. This paper is divided into two sections: Section-1 based on secondary data examines the platform industry and laws governing the sector from an Indian and a global perspective; Section-2 seeks to understand based on worker interviews, the reality of work in the sector.

The CLS gratefully acknowledges the support from Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) in undertaking the study. We hope it will contribute to a better understanding of the sector, and inform wider debate on employment and
regulation for food delivery platform workers in India.