NLSIU publishes several academic journals that contribute to a wide range of legal and interdisciplinary scholarship. These journals carry articles by leading scholars and practitioners, and have been cited by the Supreme Court on several occasions. All NLSIU journals are peer-reviewed and follow an online open-access policy. Here is a complete list:
The National Law School Journal is the flagship journal of the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. It is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that has consistently published original contributions to contemporary legal scholarship on India and the developing world since 1989. The journal’s Editorial Board includes the Vice-Chancellor and members of the faculty. NLSJ invites contributions from academics, practitioners and researchers across legal studies and allied interdisciplinary scholarship.
ISSN: 0971-491X
Indexed in: UGC-CARE
Visit the NLSJ websiteThe International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP) is a blind-peer reviewed, open-access journal published annually by NLSIU under the aegis of the Chair on Consumer Law and Practice. Launched in 2013, IJCLP provides a forum for discussions on national and international best practices in consumer protection law. The journal welcomes contributions from academics, practitioners and students of law and allied fields.
ISSN: 2347-2731
Indexed in: SCOPUS, UGC-CARE List, HeinOnline, SCC OnLine
Visit the IJCLP websiteThe Journal of Environmental Law Policy and Development is an annual peer-reviewed journal of the Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA), NLSIU. Over the years the journal has featured articles on various themes under environmental law and policy, including governing principles of environmental law, adjudicatory authorities and their roles in dispensing environmental justice, waste management, climate change and other issues of contemporary relevance.
ISSN: 2348-7046
Indexed in: UGC-CARE
The Journal of Law and Public Policy (JLPP) is an open access journal with a double-blind peer review process that publishes original scholarship on the interface between law and public policy at the national, regional, and international levels. The journal invites contributions that have a strong focus on socio-economic and political contexts and encourages writing accessible to a wide range of readers. We also welcome empirical, historical, and comparative analyses that are grounded in theoretical debates.
Founded in 2014, JLPP is published twice a year, which includes one general issue and one theme-based issue.
ISSN: 2350-1200
Visit the JLPP websiteStudent Journals
NLSIU has a rich and vibrant tradition of student-managed and edited journals. Accompanied by online forums for shorter, more contemporary academic writings, these journals are committed to producing quality scholarship across legal and allied disciplines. Student-led journals are integral to deepening a culture of research and scholarship within the University. They enable students to contribute to academic conversations while building crucial analytical and editorial skills in the process.
All journal sites, hosted within the NLSIU Scholarship Repository, enable online open access to the complete journal archives. This is accompanied by an automated submission and review system, powered by Digital Commons, which enables:
- A simple, user-friendly submission process
- Quicker and more efficient peer review processes for editors, reviewers and authors
- Shorter publication timelines
In terms of readership and impact, all student-led journals are indexed on leading scholarly databases and have active social media presence. From 2022, articles published in student-led journals will also be assigned Digital Object Identifiers (dois).
To strengthen collaboration and decision-making amongst student-led journals, the Journal Council, constituted by the Chief and Deputy Chief Editors of our five student-run journals, was formed in 2022. The five journals are listed below:
The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is the flagship law review of the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. NLSIR is student edited, peer-reviewed law journal published bi-annually, which holds the unique distinction of being cited twice by the Supreme Court of India.
NLSIR aims to:
- Publish scholarship of the highest calibre in all areas of Indian law, including comparative perspectives that examine Indian law
- Promote accessibility to legal scholarship and discourse
- Encourage deliberation among academia, government, industry and non-governmental stakeholders
- Promote original legal writing among law students and young academics.
ISSN: 0974-4894
Indexed in: SCC Online, Manupatra, JStor, HeinOnline
Visit the NLSIR websiteThe NLS Business Law Review is an annual, open-access, peer-reviewed commercial law journal run by the students of the National Law School of India University and published by the Eastern Book Company.
The NLS Business Law Review intends to recognise and foster academic research and scholarship in commercial law by examining the myriad regulatory frameworks, domestic or international, that impact doing business in India or globally. We particularly welcome submissions applying comparative international perspectives. The mandate of the NLS Business Law Review thus, inter alia, includes company law, securities and capital markets regulation, banking and finance, taxation, foreign investment, competition law, commercial dispute resolution, contract and commercial law, and employment law.
ISSN: 2456-1010
Indexed in: UGC-CARE, SCC Online, HeinOnline
Visit the NLSBLR websiteSocio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal run by the students of National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. It takes an expansive view on the interpretation of “law and society” in South Asia, inviting articles with a perceived link between law and social sciences.
ISSN: 0973-5216
Indexed in: Directory of Open Access Journals, Westlaw, HeinOnline, SCC Online
Visit the SLR websiteThe Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed law journal published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, under the patronage of the Indian government-sponsored chair on WTO Law. The Journal is an endeavour to encourage scholarship in the niche but rapidly emerging and dynamic fields of international trade law and international economic law, in recognition of the staggering impact of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and cross-border trade and commerce in the world today.
ISSN: 0975-3214
Indexed in: SCC Online, HeinOnline, Manupatra
Visit the IJIEL website
The Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) is a bi-annual, student-edited, peer-reviewed, open access law journal published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. IJLT is the first and only law journal in India devoted exclusively to the study of the interface between law and technology.
The Journal has a broad mandate, and carries scholarship carries scholarship in the areas of intellectual property rights, internet governance, information communication technologies, privacy rights, digital freedoms, openness, telecommunications policy, media law and innovation, and more, with an emphasis on a developing country perspective or a comparative approach that benefits the developing world.
ISSN: 0973-0362
Indexed in: UGC-CARE, WestLaw, HeinOnline, SCC Online, Manupatra, LII, World Cat, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, J-Gate@e-shodhsindhu
Visit the IJLT Website