NLSIU Bangalore

5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)

Our five-year integrated undergraduate B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) degree programme offers students training in a range of legal and non-legal subjects. NLSIU pioneered this five-year programme in India with the intention to provide a strong foundation upon which students can choose to pursue professional options or further academic opportunities. The first cohort of this programme was admitted in 1988.

Admission to the B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) degree programme is purely on the basis of merit as assessed through a Common Law Admission Test conducted for the purpose. Classes usually begin on 1st July every year.

Teaching Methodology

The teaching methods adopted for the degree programme are such as to promote multi-disciplinary inquiry and practical appreciation of problems. This involves lectures, discussions, case studies, Moot Courts and project work.

This is particularly useful for the multidisciplinary analysis of socio-legal problems. There is a high degree of interaction between the students and the teachers in the classroom. This is largely facilitated by the fact that at the commencement of the trimester, each student is given a set of reading materials containing the course outline, teaching plan, reading lists and study materials in respect of each course. Mandatory readings include case studies, judicial decisions, articles and excerpts from reports. With this material, the students are expected to come prepared for the classes and actively participate in classroom discussions.

Beyond exchanges between students and faculty in the classroom, there are more formal means of communication aimed at improving the class experience and student life. At the end of each trimester, students are expected to complete an evaluation of the courses undertaken by them in that trimester. Projects are another component of each course that requires both literature survey and field investigations. These methods are designed to improve research skills, analytical abilities as well as communication skills of students.